Price history for cryptocurrency

Bitcoin (BTC)

2010 ~ Starting with the year 2010, the price for one bitcoin was, in Aug, 0.06$. It stagnated for two and a half months only to go up in Oct and Nov hitting 0.405$.

2011 ~ At the start of the year 2011, it had a price of 0.296$ going up to 1.045$ in Feb. The next big climb started in Apr and ended the first weak of Jun when it reached almost 30$ (29.415$), sadly it ended the year with a price of 4.984$.

2012 ~ This year was looking good in the beginning, the highest price reached was 13.375$ in 16 Aug, while the lowest was 4.29 in 16 Feb.

2013 ~ was a blast for the bitcoin, starting the year with 13.407$ and going up to 195.397$ ( 9 Apr ). In the next 5 month the price would remain almost the same until 12 Oct when it started raising again until it reached 1.052K$ in 30 Nov. Sadly it ended the year with a total price of 771.144 US dollars.

2014 ~ At the start of this year it was looking good, the value went up to 961.717$, unfortunately in the next few month the price will mostly go down ending the year with a total value of 315.626$.

2015 ~ As if 2015 started, the trend did not change and it went down to 197.577 in 14 Jan, since it went down so much, at some point it has to go up, right? For the next 8 months, the value of the bitcoin will fluctuate between 213.673$ and 304.274$ ending it with a raise to 449.287$. In the last two months of this year, the value had dropped a bit but still ended up with 432.258$.

2016 – 2017 ~ In 16 Jan 2016, the value was the lowest reaching 371.323$, from there it only went up with a few drops here and there but nothing too big to be noticed. With this trend, in 29 Dec 2017 the value of one bitcoin was over 10K$ (10.48$) and it was still going up until it reached almost 20K$ (19.401$).

2018 ~ In 2018 the base price was 13.523K$, it went up to 16K$ on the 6 Jan. The following day was the start of a big decline in value. By the end of the month it reached 9.755K$ and was still dropping until it finally reached 6.852K$ in 6 Feb. For the next seven months the value went up and down between 6k and 11k. Stagnated for the next two months at around 6.584K$. And at the end of these two months, the value started dropping again until it reached 3K$ (3.256K$) 15 Dec, ending the year with a price of 3.915K$.

2019 ~ In the first half of the year, the value of the bitcoin went up to 12.668K$ without a problem. The second half of the year was not so good, the value started to fluctuate for around two months between 9.533K$ and 12.645K$ before falling to 6.978K$ and ending the year with a value of 7.238K$.

2020 ~ The start of 2020 was looking good for the bitcoin, the value was still going up and it reached 10.331K$ (12 Feb) without a problem. Unfortunately from 13 Feb to 16 Mar, the price went down to 5K$. After that drop, the value went up to almost 10k (8 May), stagnated for almost two months and went up again.

Ethereum (ETH)

2014 ~ Ethereum started at a base price of a 2.82 $ in 30 Sep 2014. In the first few days it dropped down to 0.476$ before fluctuating between 0.401$ and 0.819$, ended the first year with a value of 0.734$.

2015 ~ The first half of the next year had lots of ups and downs finally stopping and going up to 3.256$ (28 Jun). Unfortunately once it reached that value it started to decline the rest of the year ending it with a value of almost 1$.

2016 ~ This year was not looking so good for the value of Ethereum, the next year, the first 3 months were very good, the value went up to 14$ before stagnating for the rest of the year.

2017 ~ It started the year with a value of 8.233$ and it only went up from there reaching in Jun 384.953$. For the rest of the year, the value fluctuated between 156$ and 750$

2018 ~ This is the year in witch Ethereum reaches 1K$ on 7 Jan. It was still going up after that until it reached 1.35k$. Sadly to say, for the rest of the year it only declined in value. This decline was stopped once its value got down to 84$ in 15 Dec.

2019 ~ It started the year with a base value of 136.434$ and it went down to 103$ in Feb, after that is started going up until the middle of the year (26 Jun) when it reached a value of 335$. Sadly after that it only went down and ended the year with a value of 131.352$.

2020 ~ The price for Ethereum fluctuated between 112$ and 464$. The current value of Ethereum is 347 US dollars, last checked in 25 Sep 2020 using

2021 ~ This was a great year for ETH, it’s value climbing up to a peak of 4800$ at the middle of November, and stabilizing afterwards to above 4000$.

Tether (USDT)

2017 ~ Started in 27 Apr 2017 with a base price of 0.92$ and immediately dropped down to 0.244$ in 12 May, after that the value fluctuated the rest of the year between 0.5$ and 1.398$.


2018 – 2019 – 2020 ~ It started the year 2018 with a value of 0.681$ going up to 1$ in 24 Feb 2018. For the years to come, the value would fluctuate between 1.026$ being the highest in 11 Nov 2018 and 0.942 being the lowest in 15 Oct 2018.

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