Playlists we recommend

Playlist with the best projects of the UVT Blockchain Course from recent years:

Videos we recommend​

We recommend the following videos to better understand some of the following concepts:

Just over 2 minutes of rapid fire, although easy to understand Blockchain information.

An intermediate level video describing how bitcoin mining works, among other subjects.

A slightly more in-depth explanation
of blockchain.

A simple description of blockchain with examples.

The safety mechanisms of bitcoin transactions.

A relatively short animated course on cryptography.

Details on Cryptocurrency wallets.

Blockchain Application examples.

Best Blockchain Applications as of 2018.

How to securely own Bitcoin.

A video about Information security management.

A video about Hardware wallets.

One of the best video explanations about Blockchain.

This video helps you understand how powerful blockchain is.

A five minute video about how Bitcoin and Blockchain work.

An in-depth video by 3Blue1Brown in which he explains how blockchain actually works (technical & nontechnical).

Another explanation of how cryptocurrency transactions work.

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