Books we recommend

If you want to dive in into Bitcoin and how Blockchain works we recommend you the following resources:

Andreas Antonopoulos 

“Mastering Bitcoin – Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies”

This book explains everything about cryptocurrencies, how they work and it is suitable for any level of knowledge about this technology. From those who never heard of cryptocurrencies to those who want to know details about the block header of the blockchain, this book contains enough information for anybody.

Andreas Antonopoulos

“The Internet of Money”

This book explains more in detail the reasoning behind Bitcoin’s creation and how did it lead to its creation. It’s a collection of talks made by Andreas that explores this idea and the history behind Bitcoin and why it is a very good thing for Bitcoin to be created. 

Andreas Antonopoulos

“Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps”

If you are a developer and looking forward to create decentralized applications (DApps), or just want to learn more about smart contracts and how they work, Andreas wrote another book about Ethereum and focuses more on its technology and how to create decentralized applications on it.


Bitcoin Information Resources

For anyone who is thinking into installing a full node of Blockchain should consider to make some precautions before installing it. Consider reading the documentation from the bitcoin website:

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